Thursday, September 3, 2009

Updating our Itinerary

Right now we are in a hotel in Memphis, TN, about to hit the road for the FINAL day. We had to axe our stops in Tennessee due to our late start/slow pace at first/stupid sunset. It's okay, though, because we're already planning another road trip from Texas to Nashville for a music history tour de force (Buddy Holly Center in Lubbock, then Memphis, and Nashville) without a car full of animals. Then we can spend all day in Graceland if we want!

We put on book 3 of Lemony Snicket and rode like the wind to Memphis last night, stopping only for baby back ribs. Now we'll hopefully get some Waffle House and drive through Arkansas and straight across Texas to Whitt. We'll be making a few cool stops in Arkansas hopefully! There's some good stuff in Texas too, but it will have to wait until this weekend.

We've been updating our trip mascot collection as we drive along - pretty soon you won't be able to see the dashboard! So glad we bought that tape!

On the road to Arkansas!

PS - there are more pictures up on the flickr page too!

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