Thursday, September 3, 2009

Literary Park

Hopkinsville, KY has a pretty cute little downtown area, or it used to. Most of the buildings were shut, and it was a pretty quiet place except for the frequent trains. Just outside of the downtown area, the Community College is home to Hopkinsville's greatest attraction, Literary Park.

As the plaque which I stupidly forgot to photograph proclaims, the Round Table and Sword in the Stone are timeless representations of the Chivalric Age that the students and residents of Hopkinsville should aspire to emulate in their daily lives. And they make for a good photo op. Not pictured, though, is the dog trying to jump up on the round table and failing miserably. I guess it was a no dog knight (ba dum cha).

The Literary park is also home to the Acropolis (duh), an amphitheater, and a couple of piles of rock that maybe used to be a pool? There are also several creepy statues that have almost no explanation. Things here at Literary Park are looking a little sad. It seems that literariness is not a high priority for the Hopkinsvillians after all.

Ruby really enjoyed honing her jumping skills in this park. If you stage it right, though, you can pretend that you vacationed in Athens and not Kentucky!

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