Monday, September 21, 2009

Polaroids! (Part Deux)

1. Clark spent most of the first two days hiding under the stove/crying for Sophie. This is a rare appearance on the couch. A little dusty, I bet!
2. There is lots of mysterious stuff around the farm. There's a smokehouse (that we couldn't find the key for so we couldn't explore) that is full of glass bottles and tin cans and all kinds of fun stuff. Who knows what all this stuff is for!
3. Ruby is looking like a regular Texan (and I will forgive her because she looks so cute) in her new bandanna. We picked it up for a couple bucks at Wal-Mart (where else?)! I think she'll need one for every holiday.



1. Bye house!
2. Mom eating breakfast with the dog on the porch of the new house.
3. Good morning, new house!
4. This adorable owl shelf paper was in every cabinet in the kitchen. It was too mousy to keep, sadly, so we kept one piece and trashed the rest.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Things I Ate (that I normally couldn't/shouldn't)

-Cracker Barrel (period)
-McDonald's breakfast burritos
-A pound of chocolate covered peanuts
-A 4-way Skyline chili
-Biscuits and gravy
-Hash browns, scattered and smothered
-A coney chili dog at Skyline
-Baby back ribs
-Frito pie
-Cheese curds from Culvers
-2 root beer floats from Sonic
-Bag of mini chocolate donuts

Pittsburg, TX

On the side of the highway in Pittsburg, TX is the Pilgrim's Pride Chicken company headquarters. Emphasis on head! Out front is the giant bust of the founder, "Bo" Pilgrm. Apparently his hat used to be the roof of the family restaurant. Now it is an important part of Mom's favorite roadside stop. Pictures cannot even begin to portray the majesty of this... this... thing. It was a shock equally akin to the giant picnic basket.

Here Bo reads the Bible to Henrietta, the company's chickeny mascot, while Mom and Ruby look on. It is very important that chickens receive a spiritual education before being eaten!

We tried many, many times to get a shot of me jumping. They were all equally late and unflattering. I guess I'm just not meant to jump for chicken joy!

Bo's back!

This was the last of our stops on the trip, sadly. Our schedule got all messed up so we missed a few - we'll just have to do it again for Thanksiving or something. I'll be posting photos of the new house once I get stuff scanned and developed. Probably Wednesday, because I start school tomorrow!


Road Dog

Ruby got tired of being in the car after a while, I think.


Seen on the Road

-The Blue Suede Shoes Antiques Mall
-An ad for a hotel that read "Lincoln never slept here, but you can!"
-The Most Awesome Flea Market in the World (which was sadly closed)
-A truck that was apparently "Haulin' Liquid Chicken"
-3 dead armadillos
-A man named Marvelous Lee

Texarkana, AR/TX

Here we are in Texarkana, which (as the wonderfully creative name implies) straddles the border of Arkansas and Texas. There's a road that runs along the border that has Texas and Arkansas flags on either side so you can be sure to walk on the right side of the street.

The Post Office in Texarkana is apparently the only building in the US that is divided down the middle by a state line! Word has it there is a library in Vermont that's half in Canada, though.

Our visit to the Texarkana Post Office was shorter than we would have liked, as it started POURING the second we got out to take photos. I think it was a sign that it was time to get the heck to Texas!


Redfield, AR

We stopped for lunch on Thursday at the Mammoth Orange Cafe in Redfield, AR. It is pretty much exactly what the name implies! Eating lunch in a giant orange has always been hit or miss for me, but this time was a definite hit. We had The World's Biggest Frito Pies and man, were they delicious!

If you don't know what a frito pie is, I suggest you educate yourself by going to the Mammoth Orange and ordering several. I guess if you can't get to Arkansas, I can tell you that it is a bowl full of a bag of fritos, sometimes lettuce, topped with thick chili, cheese, and tomatoes. Holy cow.


Things Ruby Barked At

-Two giant Pennsylvania Dutch
-A field of giant ears of corn
-A Chihuahua
-A fox on the other side of the road already
-A man dressed as a packet of french fries at Sonic
-Every cow
-A yellow concrete cow
-Three horses standing around
-One horse running majestically through a field
-A silver moose (or maybe a horse toaster)

Back in Boston

I have made it back to my apartment in one piece, and am celebrating Labor Day watching Dirty Jobs. I will be making a few more photo posts now, and later I will scan some polaroids/hopefully get some film developed. Hooray!

Word has it that the moving truck made it to Whitt today. World's Biggest Pile of Boxes!
